Reviews about: TT-Kit PI18 - V2020

    5 out of 5 stars!
    Thursday, March 17, 2022
    Bought this kit as a new hobby project. I have built few amps before but this time I decided to get everything in one sitting and from one place.\r\n\r\nNo regrets. It is so great to have all the components you need without the need to order a million things. All are labeled clearly and this was the easiest build so far I\'ve done. Not due to difficulty but because of the clear instructions and having everything you need in one package. Built it over a weekend.\r\n\r\nI did the \"modern / tight\" build. Info is in the schematics and all parts are provided. The amp itself is not a heavy metal machine as expected. Even with the boost engaged, more like Iron maiden heavy. Amp itself is really quiet even with max gain. It requires a separate boost pedal to get to modern metal. As it is, it is great for rock and older stuff. I am thinking about adding depth and presence pots, but don\'t really know if those are needed.\r\n\r\nI did one mod. I added two germanium diodes in series from master volume pot leg 3 (p5/3) to ground. It clips slightly and gives a slightly more modern tone with small extra gain. Nothing major but I liked it better.\r\n\r\nI am Jaakko and this is my favourite amp build on the citadel.
    TT-Kit PI18 - V2020